信用卡簽賬 & 提款透支 ???

2007-03-06 8:29 am
為何用信用卡簽卡不用收手續費 (食店或商品...), 而用信用卡透支就要收利息, 兩者一樣都是問銀行借住錢先, 點解呢??

回答 (4)

2007-03-06 8:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
因為你簽賬去消費其實都有手續費, 只係d費用轉嫁去了間舖頭度, 一般收費1-3%左右, 因為舖頭同銀行行有協議唔可以收使用信用卡的客人請個手續費, 如果收了俾客人投訴除退款外留有機會被停止服務....
但有一些行業的價錢毛利很少, 例如電腦產品, 電子用品, 酒類, 固有一些小舖會轉嫁手續費給客人, 但為了不違反協議, 有好多都會在你以現金付款時給你一個特別的優惠(現金價)~
2007-03-06 9:46 pm
2007-03-06 8:38 am
It is a matter of bank policy.
Cash is better than credit as you can use them anywhere and there's no restrictions, so I guess that's why banks charge more admin fee for cash.
Bank do charge admin fee when you use them at shops/restaurants but the charge are paid by the shops so you need not pay (i.e. if you don't have any outstanding payment).
2007-03-06 8:32 am
the different is take out cash or not~

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