What drugs have you used to sleep?

2007-03-06 4:01 am

回答 (15)

2007-03-06 4:24 am
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I used the supplement call melatonin to help me sleep.
Many have had positive results counterbalancing this decline in Melatonin by supplementing with additional Melatonin through dietary supplements.

Pharmaceutical sleeping pills can help you sleep, but most people find that the side effects are worse than the insomnia -- side effects like poor quality sleep, requiring more and more of the drugs to do the job all the time. This can bring about

1. Dangerous addiction.
2. Even death.

Melatonin use has not shown any undesired side effects. Get a good nights sleep. Wake up feeling rested

1. Safely,
2. Inexpensively.

Melatonin is being promoted for a lot of things other than sleep loss as well. Everything from anti-aging to cancer research. We do not believe that there is enough data at this time to support these uses. Since Melatonin appears safe however, use Melatonin as you wish.
參考: personal experience and the above information from my doctor
2007-03-06 12:11 pm
A 5oz glass of red wine at bedtime and I'm off to la-la land in a few minutes.

2007-03-07 6:01 am
i have taken melatonin, valerian, chamomille tea, unisom, nyquil, benadryl, rozerem and now i'm on trazodone (50mg).

unfortunately trazodone doesn't make me fall asleep. a lot of people say that you have to take higher doses to help you fall asleep when you have insomnia (if that's what you have). my doctor gave me trazodone to help me with my anxiety-sleep-issue/insomnia. my heart and mind started racing the minute i thought it was time to get ready for bed. so i would toss and turn all night long. occassionally, i managed to fall asleep, but after an hour or two, i would wake up in the middle of the night and stay up for the remainder.

so now i take trazodone with melatonin and valerian to help me fall asleep. the trazodone keeps my mind and heart at ease and once i fall asleep, it keeps me out all night! i love that, but damn, it makes it extremely hard to get up in the morning.
2007-03-06 1:34 pm
I took Trazodone for a while, when I was having a lot of trouble sleeping. Now I occasionally take Benadryl if I really care about falling asleep. I don't need the prescription for sleep anymore.
2007-03-06 12:17 pm
A whole lot, over the years. The one that really knocks me out is the antidepressant, Elavil (amitriptyline-sp?). This cannot be taken on an empty stomach--you must have milk or food before taking it. It is very cheap--about $10 for a whole month's supply.

When I was in the hospital, the nurse wanted to give me a sleeping pill. I told her to look at my chart, as the sleeping pill was one I had taken previously with no success. She found the Elavil on my chart, and gave me that instead. I was out within 20 minutes. I have taken this for about 20 years (for depression, but for me, it's for sleep).
2007-03-06 12:13 pm
Turkey. I think it's called triptophan or something.
Also sex works pretty good.
Heroin too.
Just kidding...
2007-03-06 12:11 pm
The best thing to do is either turn of some soft music or try to clear out your mind.
2007-03-06 12:11 pm
When I need to be out like a light these days I use an over the counter drug called Sleepinal, and it works like a charm. I've used Benadryl in the past, and that's about it.
2007-03-06 12:09 pm

It worked but I had a tough time waking up the next morning!
2007-03-06 12:08 pm
tyadol, still knox, even herbal remedies
the herbal remedies dont work too well though, its more of a relaxant..
if its only a small sleeping problems just dab some lavender oil on your pillows before going to bed
itll help relax you
2007-03-06 12:06 pm
I've used Ambien which I liked the best, Lunesta but it didn't work very well for me, and Tylenol PM but it kinda sucks.
2007-03-06 12:05 pm
2007-03-06 12:05 pm
參考: =)
2007-03-06 12:05 pm
2007-03-06 12:04 pm

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