What do you expect out of your friends?

2007-03-06 3:46 am
Ok . . . so I know the dictionary definition of a friend, but I want to know really what do you guys think a friend should be? What do you expect them to do for you? What do they expect out of you? What if you found out that they are gossiping about you behind your back and there was nothing you could do about it What would you do if your friend like for 6 years dumped you in the middle of nowhere one day? I know that this is a lot of questions but I'm trying to deal with some trauma from my previous years. Any help at all would greatly be appreciated.

回答 (20)

2007-03-06 3:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your number one trauma is expecting anything from anyone. I don't expect my friends to do anything for me and they don't expect anything from me, we do things for eachother because we want to not because we have to or because you keep score.

Don't mistake a friend for an acquaintance. Your friend of 6 years would not dump you in the middle of nowhere one day if they were actually a friend.

Best of luck. I hope everything works out for you.
2007-03-06 11:53 am
real friends dont judge you. they also dont blow smoke up your butt, telling you what you want to hear. real friends dont just want you happy they want the best for you. sometimes i see women who have friends that "support" them in the worst way. i see women telling each other that if they feel good and are "happy" they should do it. MY friends dont do that. they want what's healthy for me and they know that it's not about feeling good in the moment, it's about feeling good about yourself in the long run. my friends, even when i was at my most rebellious, hurting everyone around me, ignoring sound advice, they STILL prayed for me. i mean these women got on their knees and prayed for me. and i came "home" to where i needed to be. and even though i lost a husband because of my rebellion, my friends didnt judge me, they knew i was going to need them more than ever. and they never ever told me "i told you so, i knew this was going to happen. i warned you..." no they gave me their ears, their hearts and their shoulders as i rebuilt my life. those women are real friends! they are also my cousin, my sis in law and my sister and mother. keep looking, you'll find a good friend.
2007-03-06 11:56 am
Friends are the ones who are there for you when it feels like the worst has happened.
Friends are the ones who are there when everyone else is running away.
Friends make you laugh.
Friends love you for who you are.
Friends know exactly how to brighten your day.
Friends forgive you when you mess up and you should return the favour.
The people who hurt you aren't true friends. You shouldn't bother being friends with people who cause you grief or pain. That isn't what friends are for. Is what you are gaining out of the friendship worth what you are putting in? Friendship is give and take, but you have to be careful not to get stuck giving too much and getting nothing back. That isn't a real friendship.
2007-03-06 11:51 am
a friend means someone who is there for you always. someone who will stick up for you even if you are wrong.i recently lost my 2 best friends bcuz i realized they werent true. they would always make fun of me in the meanest ways and would try to compete with me at everything. that kinda messed me up a lot in my life, but i realized i was better without them. good luck!
2007-03-06 11:51 am
A friend is someone who will stick with you through thick and thin. Someone who would be honest and help you if you had a question. And someone who would never dump you in the middle of nowhere.
2007-03-06 11:49 am
to be supportive. that's all.
2007-03-06 11:49 am
i think true, real friends (in my opinion, the only kind to have) stand by you no matter what, are honest with you, take care of you, support you and love you for who you are.
參考: mine do, which is why i love them
2007-03-06 12:02 pm
Friendship is a separate relation altogether. Companionship in all its spirit is what friendship is. To keep friends you also should mold yourself. You must have the positive attitudes towards everything. A Friend is expected to be supporting you at all times. But remember, he is also a person and will have his own opinion. So avoid a confrontation. We expect a Friend to be there for you when you want him. If he is a true Friend and even if you are wrong he will be thre with you. A freind who gossip behind you need not be your friend. But if you know that he did not mean serious offence, then go with it. accept the part of the gossip and acknowledge it palyfully infront of him so he will will stop it too. A friend who was a friend for 6 years has dumped you means thare must be aserious reason. Try to find out and try to correct. That will help a lot. Friendship is necessary for everybody. Leran to maintain it. You will alwauys be happy.
2007-03-06 11:55 am
Okay, let's take this nice and easy. First of all, I think a friend is someone who understands you, even those times where you started crying and you yourself don't know what your crying about, but she does.One that you can always trust to be there to back you up (or save your back for that matter.)Someone who you can enjoy hanging out with even when you are in an argument, so on and so forth.I expect them to be all of the above and even better. They expect the same. If that person was really a friend, she wouldn't be gossiping behind my back. If she decided that she doesn't want to be your friend, then that is her loss, and you shouldn't try to change for her.I don't think that that was too much questions. I am glad you asked this and remain writing questions on this topic.
2007-03-06 11:55 am
i think a real friend is ALWAYS there 4 u and will always b a shoulder 4 u 2 cry on when no one else is there 4 u.
2007-03-06 11:53 am
to treat you with the same respect you give them.....nothing more......................sounds like some so called friends did some really bad stuff to you ............I am sorry but they were never really friends......you deserve more
2007-03-06 11:52 am
Personally, I think a friend is someone honest and trustworthy. They will tell you anything to your face - the good and the bad. I've had friends I found out gossiped behind my back and I just don't tell them anything I don't want spread around. So its more of an aquaintance really, with superficial discussion or all about the other person. And if a friend dumped me in the middle of nowhere one day, I would never get in a car with them again if I wasn't the one driving and I would be pissed and wouldn't forget about it. Though after some time to steam down I would probably still maintain some sort of relationship with them, but if they had a really good excuse for ditching me, then I wouldn't think twice about it.
2007-03-06 11:52 am
Friends that bring out my best qualities, keep me away from trouble and able to have a good time when we're together or not, no strings attached. I hope to be like that for them too.
2007-03-06 11:52 am
friends are always there for you. they can see you cry. they know best how to hurt you, but don't do it. they can tell others how you will answer a question because they know you so well.

i expect them to give me a tissue when i cry, to burn me Cd's of my favorite music, to confide me as i confide in them. they expect the same from me.

I've been dumped in an instant before. my best friend and i were at the top of our class. when i became valedictorian and she salutatorian, she stopped talking to me.

good luck with that trauma! i hope this helps. :)
2007-03-06 11:51 am
Somebody that you can trust no matter what. and a good friend wouldn't tell on you and would also beable to keep even your most embarising secret and not tell everbody.
2007-03-06 11:51 am
Well, a friend of six years doesn't just "dump" you. There must be a reason... Communication is key in any relationship. Friendship, true friendship, is really the deepest thing. I've told friends things I would never tell a lover. Trust. Love. Support. And of course, LAUGHTER. Sorry about your "falling out"...
2007-03-06 11:51 am
A friend is someone you can RELY on. You should be 100% honest with eachother, and SAY NOTHING behind eachotthers backs. don't let them Always borrow money because there are boundries, but do expect that if ou cant hang out later, that they will try to find a time you guys can hang out. remember friendship=1000000000% trust.
2007-03-06 11:51 am
well friends true ones are there when things are good and hold you up when there not,they don't gossip about you or any of your personnel issues,and certainly don't leave you stranded-its time to per sue making new friends dependable intrest similarities enjoy the same life style you do.good luck
2007-03-06 11:49 am
friends are good
2007-03-06 11:48 am
i expect money, favors and sometimes sex from my friends.. what are friends for?

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