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Yes, TTL stands for Through The Lens. But Leica M6 is an RF Camera. So TTL in Leica M6's context has nothing to do with the viewfinding or subject's distances. In fact, TTL refers to the TTL exposure metering system.
M5 is the first Leica camera built with a TTL metering system. Before that, every Leica camera has to have either an exposure meter attached to the top of the camera or an external exposure meter. Trough The Lens metering is theoretically more precise than using an external exposure meter. TTL exposure sensor meausres the amount of light coming through the lens. The Lecia TTL metering system is a spot exposure metering system (重點測光).
When the M6 were first produced, there were no TTL flash metering sytem although they had an analogue TTL metering system. In 1997, M6 TTL was born and from thereon, M6 users could make use of the built-in digital TTL metering system (including TTL flash metering) to get correct exposure settings.
M6,這一台被許多徠卡迷認為是僅次於M3的相機,同時它也幾乎是連動測距相機(RF Camera)的典範。說得誇張一些,甚至可稱為「史上最強之連動測距相機」。它與M4-P的差別就在於加裝了一個TTL測光表,但是或許有人會問一個測光表就相差這麼多嗎?M5呢?M6成功的原因在於它的體積延續了前面M3,M2,M4-2,M4-P的傳統,但是卻加入了TTL測光的便利性。從M6 Classic(M6 Non TTL)以前的M系相機都是沒有TTL閃光燈測光功能的,為了因應需求,M6 TTL就此誕生,原M6 Classic觀景窗原本只有兩個箭頭指示,而M6 TTL多加了一個圓點以表示正確曝光值。
此外,M6TTL使用了16位元的晶片控制TTL閃光,數位化的測光功能,也比舊款M6精準。話說回來,M6 的中央重點測光功能雖然相當簡單,但是結果卻十分準確,即使用M6 Classic類比式的測光表,依然能得到相當理想的測光值。TTL功能對攝影者而言,可說是一大恩惠,在以前的M型機身都需要外加測光表,像MC,MR,Mr-4等的測光表,這些測光表是裝在機身頂部上,換句話說,它不是透過鏡頭測光的(Non TTL meter)。
2007-03-06 16:55:09 補充:
Practically speaking, TTL concept can be applied in viewfinding, exposure metering and flash exposure metering. In M6's case , it applies in nomal exposure metering and flash exposure metering.