
2007-03-06 6:12 am



if d 人做得好.....寫d鼓勵下嘎野

if d 人做得唔好...寫多d鼓勵下野

唔該各位幫我諗諗啦...中英都得. 不過最好系英文啊....


回答 (1)

2007-03-06 8:34 am
✔ 最佳答案

if d 人做得好.....寫d鼓勵下嘎野

1. Good work, keep it up!

2. Well done, I am proud of you!

3. No one would do better than you.

4. You are one of the best I have ever seen, don't step down!

5. You are my pride, keep it forever.

6. You have done a good job.

7. To maintain as good as can be would be a difficult task but I believe it would be easy for you if you wish.

if d 人做得唔好...寫多d鼓勵下野

1, Don't give up! IYou still have more room to grow.

2. Though not too good, I trust that you'd be better next time.

3. Rome was not built in one day, so your work is as yet to be finished.

4. Don't be upset, keep on trying.

5. Be cheerful as long as you have done your best.

6.You have the ability to do better. Don't let me down!

7. Your need to continue to place more effort to put yourself in a better position.

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