Reported speech

2007-03-06 6:10 am
"Why is our office so dirty?"
"Were there any telephone messages for me?"
"Have John and Tom finished their projects?"
"How much did the computers cost?"

回答 (4)

2007-03-06 10:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
X asked why was their office so dirty.
X asked if/whether there had been any telephone messages for him/her.
X asked if/whether John and Tom had finished their projects.
X asked how much the computers costed.

2007-03-06 02:43:05 補充:
The first one should read: ... why their office was so dirty.The last one should read: ... how much the computers had costed.Sorry for the oversight!
2007-03-06 9:51 am
X 代表第三身人 ( 男 / 女 )

X asked ( me ) why their office was so dirty .
X asked ( me ) whether / if there had been any telephone messages for her / him .
X asked ( me ) whether / if John and Tom had finished their projects .
X asked ( me ) how much the computers cost .

或用 I was asked ,,,, 開頭 ,

2007-03-06 01:57:32 補充:
更正 :第四句應寫成 :X asked ( me ) how much the computers * had cost .
2007-03-06 6:28 am
I was asked why our office is so dirty.
I was asked whether there were any telephone messages or not.
I was asked if John and Tom had finished their projects or not.
I was asked how much the computer costed.
2007-03-06 6:22 am
She asked them why their office is so dirty.
She asked me if there were any telephone messages for her.
She asked me if John and Tom have finished their projects.
She asked me how much the computer cost.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 19:11:45
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