咩係Darjeeling 同 Earl Grea呀 ?

2007-03-06 5:56 am
咩係Darjeeling 同 Earl Grea呀

回答 (2)

2007-03-06 6:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
Darjeeling 是大吉嶺紅茶,是出產於印度西孟加拉邦北部喜馬拉雅山麓的大吉嶺高原的一種紅茶,味道帶有果香而濃郁。在英國享有盛名,得獎無數,有「紅茶之皇者」的美喻,亦有人稱之為「紅茶中的香檳」。每年只出產 8,000 至 11,000 噸。

Earl Grey 是伯爵茶,是以中國正山小種或錫蘭紅茶等優質紅茶為基茶,加入佛手柑油的一種調味茶。格雷伯爵茶是當今世界最流行的紅茶調味茶,也是英式下午茶的最經典飲料。 格雷伯爵茶以格雷二世伯爵(Earl Grey II)為命名的。據說格雷伯爵茶源於一位中國人對格雷伯爵的贈禮。 Twinings(川令、川寧、唐寧)商店是格雷伯爵茶的實際創製者。據說格雷伯爵收到的禮品茶飲料非常受歡迎,當茶被用完時,格雷伯爵要求茶商 Twinings 為他的首相官邸仿製這種調味茶。很多伯爵的訪客非常喜歡這款茶,伯爵就告訴他們在 Twinings 可以購買得到,後來這款調味茶就以 Earl Grey 為名了。
參考: wikipedia
2007-03-06 6:05 am
我諗你講緊既係Darjeeling tea同Earl Grey tea

Darjeeling tea has traditionally been prized above all other black teas, especially in the UK and the countries comprising the former British Empire. It comes from Darjeeling in West Bengal, India. When properly brewed it yields a thin-bodied, light-colored liquor with a floral aroma a tinge of astringent tannic characteristics, and a musky spiciness often referred to by tea connoisseurs as "muscatel." A sweet cooling aftertaste should be felt on the mouth.

Adulteration and falsification are serious problems in the global tea trade; the amount of tea sold as Darjeeling worldwide every year exceeds 40,000 tonnes, while the annual tea production of Darjeeling itself is estimated at only 8,000 to 11,000 tonnes, including local consumption. To combat this situation, the Tea Board of India administers the Darjeeling certification mark and logo.

Most Darjeeling teas are made into black teas, however Darjeeling oolong and green teas are becoming more commonly produced and are easier to find.

Earl Grey tea is any tea blend with a distinctive flavour and aroma derived from the addition of oil extracted from the rind of the bergamot orange, a fragrant citrus fruit.

Traditionally the term "Earl Grey" was applied only to black tea; however, today the term is also applied to both green and white teas that contain oil of bergamot.
參考: 我自己

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