
2007-03-06 5:48 am
事情係咁 有一日上左網去左youtube
而我發覺既係我唔係真正睇唔到 佢版面有d短片我就咁禁佢係可以睇到既
但係當我輸入左我想要睇既短片時 就冇左短片換左一句文字
Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia's Flash Player. Get the latest flash player. ←呢一句
我試過禁過佢個比我既flash player 但係一大堆英文 唔知講咩 類似要收錢之類
有冇人遇過以上情況?任何方法都得 只要幫我解決到問題即有十分 先到先得

回答 (2)

2007-03-12 2:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
“Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia's Flash Player.”

1. Check你個Java係 on
IE ->工具->網際網路選項
Active scripting

2. Check部電腦有Flash Player
我的電腦->Add or remove progams, 睇到Flash player
如果無,去http://www.macromedi a.com/go/getflashpla yer/ download

3. 都係睇唔到就開一個新的IE window
e.g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLrE76jAGwk
變成 http://youtube.com/watch?v=GLrE76jAGwk

Javascript or Flash error message
Occasionally when our site is experiencing heavy traffic, this message can display regardless of whether
or not you do in fact need to install flash or enable javascript. If this is the case for you, please just try again later using a fresh browser window, or try using another browser altogether.
The other possibility is that you actually don't have javascript enabled, or Flash installed. These are required in order to watch a YouTube video.
To enable javascript using Internet Explorer:
1. Select the â˜tools♠option from your browsers tool bar
2. Select â˜Internet options♠from the tools options
3. Click the advanced tab on this next popup
4. Scroll down and locate the â˜use Java♠option and ensure that it is checkedIf you are using a different type of browser, you may need to read through the help documentation to determine how to set your java settings.
To install the latest version of flash, it is available for free at
2007-03-06 6:03 am

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