
2007-03-06 5:39 am

回答 (4)

2007-03-06 7:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
2007-03-10 10:20 am
First, I am sorry I can't type Chinese characters.

You need to ask yourself why you want to go back to study?
For changing job? Then go to IVE to pick your own interest, if you meet the requirement. But I don't know if IVE is a good school.
For job advancement? Don't go to repeat F.5 because you have not studied for 6 years more. I think you already forgot a lot of the knowledge learned from F.5. It is hard for you to catch up. And don't try F.6 if you want to take the courses that continue what you learned from F.5. I see from your HKCEE that you are not ready to study advanced level right now (but you may in the future).

Anyway I believe what you should do is to learn English back from the level you were in. Take me as an example, my English used to be not done well in some areas. When I went to college at the beginning, I worked hard then, so I earned all As in my English college courses. From then on, I have been doing well in many other subjects. Even though I didn't get all As in all my college courses, I never failed and A is the most grade I got in my college life. Trust me! Go prepare English first and don't try (i) and (ii).

Accounting (In the world all people are saying that now!)
(But I am not majoring in it and not sure how it is like) But if I were you, I wouldn't think about it now since it tends more to be a college subject.
In fact many jobs have better prospect than 文員.
For example, secretary is one good for you. You know that you need to get in the program to study for it.
I Hope I have helped you!

2007-03-10 02:24:48 補充:
"Corrections"Wrong: "A is the most grade I got in my college life."Correct: "A is the most grade I have been getting in my college life."

2007-03-10 02:46:51 補充:
It is good to think about studying. You need to ask yourself why you want to go back to study. Then you will know your 更好的選擇. I am younger than you, but I don't think 25歲 matters. And you are still young...>OK!
2007-03-06 5:54 pm
首先 我想講你25歲 其實很年青 你發覺讀書好重要
你去讀成人班 便發覺你很年青

不能否認 你巳沒有讀書五年

如會計 電腦 從你的計劃前進
反而重讀夜校中五 或 報讀夜校中六
坊間很多 HD DEG 都會收中五
反而你的英文 方向 和 努力 才重要
中五 中六 的路較岩全職學生
2007-03-06 5:45 am

加油 =) 有心唔怕遲

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