
2007-03-06 5:07 am
點解d男人去完廁所成日唔洗手....仲有男人去大解條jj咁長咪dum哂落個好多病菌及污糟的廁所內, 咪死梗!! 其實係掂唔掂到個廁所o架條野, 你知啦, 街d toilet咁多人用, 人地邊個有病你都唔知, 揩到都唔知去邊度洗好.....有無人解答我, just好奇

回答 (2)

2007-03-06 4:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
參考: me
2007-03-06 5:18 am
Not every man is like that. Most of them, including me, wash hands after shitted. 條jj長 it doesnt mean it'll dum哂落個好多病菌及污糟的廁所內 it depends on how u sit on the bowl. I would wanna ask why the girls dont wash their feet after they take off their stinky boots?? I'm being curious too!!

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