
2007-03-06 4:54 am
馬拉糕馬拉糕馬拉糕!!馬拉糕我英文係咩?有冇一d英文文章介紹馬拉糕我taste 同外貌?thx!!
冇既話,可以搵一d關於 hong kong dish 既 food 俾我,要係英文!!!

回答 (2)

2007-03-06 6:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
蒸馬拉糕 Malaysian Sponge Cake
Malaysian Steamed Sponge Cake: A very soft sponge cake with the flavor of molasses. Molasses is a thick syrup derivative of the juice of the sugarcane plant or the processing of sugar beet. The quality of molasses depends on the maturity of the sugar cane or beet, the amount of sugar extracted, and the method of extraction.

Ingredient: All purpose flour 1 3/4 cup
Brown sugar 1 3/4 cup
Five eggs at room temperature
Baking powder 4 tsp
Custard powder (吉士粉) 5 tsp
Oil 1/3 cupWater 1/2 cup(optional)
Madagascar almond or Indian Almond (欖仁) 2 oz.

1) Sieve the flour into a big bowl, add sugar and custard powder
2) Gradually add beaten eggs into the mix until sugar melts
3) Cover the mixture and let stand for half an hour
4) Add water to baking powder (should see lots of bubbles)
5) Pour baking powder with water into the mixture
6) Mix gently
7) Add oil
8) Mix gently
9) Put a layer of parchment paper insider the steamer
10) Pour the mixture into the steamer
11) Add the almond on top
12) Steam in full heat (大火蒸) for 30 minute
2007-03-06 5:16 am
馬拉糕 = Steamed custard cake, Steamed Sponge Cake

馬拉糕是著名的廣東食品,是茶樓裏常見的點心之一,算是蛋糕的一種。正宗馬拉糕由麵粉、雞蛋、豬油、牛油混合發酵三日,最後放在蒸籠蒸製而成。茶樓內的馬拉糕通常製成一大型圓狀,切開成小塊發售。 馬拉糕呈金黃色,新鮮吃時非常蓬鬆、柔軟,帶有輕微的香味。若發酵足夠,馬拉糕的顏色會變成深褐色。




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