
2007-03-06 4:49 am

回答 (4)

2007-03-13 5:37 am
其實高度係無要求, 但要求arm reach, 伸手可至的高度....
國泰: 208cm
港龍: 212cm
一般都係呢d standard, 有d要220tim, 因為有d safety野放咁高, 所以有咁要求....
如果真係掂唔到佢地的要求, 就1st in都無
參考: 我in 過好多次la
2007-03-06 5:14 am
Dear Miss,
I've been a cabin crew working in Cathay Pacific for many years.
Ten years ago, before equal opportunity policy introduced, minimal height for a girl to become air-hostess was 5 foot 2.
After ordinance passed, current requirement is based on arm reach. In other words, when you extend your arm, you must be able to open overhead locker inside aircraft.
But, in my memory, so far, noboby of your height has managed to get enrolled. (unless you have extra-ordinary long hand)
The answer may be disappointing to you, however, it's an honest one!
Wish you best of luck in other potential careers!
2007-03-06 4:57 am
有可能架 ,以你的高度 , 所以你可能会做唔到架!
參考: ????
2007-03-06 4:52 am

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