
2007-03-06 4:23 am
之前我做咗 4 個九型人格既測驗....但係個result...
有 2 個係四仔....2 個係九仔....

回答 (5)

2007-03-14 4:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
2.不要掉在测试的型号里面,九型要有一个大家相互讨论的平台,在导师的指引下相互探讨(每个型号的提升方向、穿越性格局限活出真我; 在用人、选人、育人、留人方面以及在实际生活中的应用)九型是一门永无止境的值得自我探索的课程



*你可以回答以下 180 題問卷,或選擇下載

(第1測試) 提提你:這裡所說的九種性格分類,並沒有好壞對錯之分。舉例說,完美型不會在任何情況比其他優越,成就型也不會在任何情況下都表現差勁……如此類推啦!記著每種性格都有其可愛之處,也有其幽暗的地方啊!
(第2測試) 三 十 多 題 題 目 , 每 一 題 有 兩 句 句 子 , 你 只 需 選 出 最 貼 切 你 性 格 的 一 句 , 然 後 去 下 一 題 便 可 。 (有例題)

*總共36題, 答完就按"交卷"

參考: 自己&yahoo
2007-03-13 7:33 pm
如果你性格外向, 多數不會是4,9號.
如果你性格內向, 多數不會是3號.

>my blog<
2007-03-07 5:08 am
i think u have to make sure the following when you do the test :
1. focus on the behaviour when you are young ( around 5 years old ), coz your personality at 80 years old is based on how you are at 3 years old.
this test is to understand your true person inside, so, the younger you are, the less likely you were affected by the environment.
so, do the test base on what you did when you where young ( as young as possible ) is very important.
2. the full set of test contain 144 questions. i recommend you do that one. if you get the result only after you done 7 or 15 questions. then, the result is not reliable.
3. if your highest score personality type is only 1 mark higher than the second score type, then you have to do it again. e.g. if your results shows type 1 have 33 score and type 6 have 32 score, then you have to redo the test. but if the highest score type 6 is 33 score, while type 2 have 30 score. then, this test result is valid.

type 4 and type 9 have something similar. they both 'avoid people, or, avoid truble'.
type 4 dont like to be around with big group of people, they perfer to have their own time. or, they prefer to watch people instead of involve in people.
type 9 is a peacmarker, if he knows there will be conflict in the people group, then he will drip away quickly, without anyone notice.
so, do you currently have good relationship with people around you? do you feel lonely / insecure sometime?

anyway, you have to do the test again because if you have result 有 2 個係四仔....2 個係九仔. then, it means you still not able to find out the 'true' you. we still not able to figure out the reason behind how you do things.

only if you find out the 'true' you, otherwise, the 九型人格 test is useless to you because you can not understand yourself anymore than before. and, more important, you can not growth and develop yourself.

so, good luck. do a proper test, and i can help you if you need any other explanation.
: )
參考: my knowledge, i attent a course before
2007-03-06 5:48 am
試埋呢個呀, http://hk.geocities.com/huskycss/special/e-intro.htm

或者俾錢出去上下堂, 有人分析俾你知, 同埋教埋健康及不健康時的形態等較深入的性格, 十分有幫助。
如果有興趣, 我知聖雅各福群會 舉辦 九型人格學與個人成長

或 伯特利輔導中心

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