
2007-03-06 3:11 am

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2007-03-06 3:17 am
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Beijing, the capital of the People's Republic of China.
A long history has left numerous famous historical sites which possess great aesthetic and cultural valleys. The Great Wall. On the Shijing Mountains, there are more than 340 volumes of 15000 stone tablets carved with Buddhist scriptures. The Big Yongle Bell cast at one go with over 23000 characters on it Weighs 46.5 tons and shows exquisite casting technology of ancient China. The Forbidden City, the largest ancient architectural complex extant today, is splendid crystallization of ancient Chinese architectural art. Walking in the city, one may find many places where many historical events took place, every day, hundreds of thousands of people, domestic and foreign, come to Beijing to visit its grand palaces and graceful gardens and to enjoy its marvelous art.


By Train
Beijing is the railway hub of the nation, with trains to most provincial capitals and all neighboring cities. There are six railway stations in Beijing, of which Beijing Railway Station and Beijing West Railway Station are the major ones. The former runs mainly long-haul journeys such as Beijing to Baotou and Beijing to Shanghai or international trains including the lines directly to Moscow, Pyongyang and Ulan Bator etc. While the latter is the largest railway station in Asia. Tourists can get to the capital cities of every province, most major and medium sized cities, autonomous regions in China.
Public Bus
Public buses in Beijing play an important role in the common people's daily lives. Bus numbers beginning with '8' are air-conditioned; other numbers indicate double-decker, special tour lines, night buses, and so on. The ticket price is 1 Yuan for city routes, while ticket prices for bus with air conditioning is 2 Yuan.If there is no conductor on the bus, passengers should board the bus at the front, drop ticket fee into the box and exit at the rear.

京菜應該是來北京旅游的首選美食。京菜的烹調方法可以概括為“爆炒燒燎煮,炸 燴烤涮,蒸扒熬煨燜,煎糟鹵拌汆”,其中以烤、爆、燒、燜、涮、炸、溜最為擅長,菜肴口味以脆、香、酥、鮮為特色,北京烤鴨、涮羊肉、香酥雞、賽香瓜、鳳凰趴窩、烏龍吐珠、懷胎鱖魚等都是京菜中的佳肴,尤其是北京烤鴨和涮羊肉可以說是無人不知、無人不曉,是到北京一定要品嘗的美味。“全聚德”(明火烤鴨)和“便宜坊”(暗火烤鴨)是北京最有名的兩家老字號的烤鴨店,品嘗地道北京烤鴨的最佳場所,涮羊肉自然要去“東來順”,此外“能仁居”的名氣也很大。
China is famed world wide for its cuisine and there must be few countries where it has not become part of the established catering scene. However, not all of the many varieties of Chinese food are available overseas. As the capital of China, Beijing has become the focus for all manner of gourmet foods that you would expect to find in the Chinese provinces. Traditional Beijing cuisine such as roast duck, imperial cuisine and hotpot are still the main items on the menu for most locals. However, as more and more people arrived from the provinces to settle in the capital, other genres of cuisine such as Canton, Sichuan have become a part of what is on offer from Beijing's many caterers. So, now it is possible to find the widest possible range of excellent food ranging from simple dishes to quite exotic ones. In addition, there are many excellent restaurants that serve foreign cuisine.

for more detail please refer to the website.
2007-03-06 3:22 am

Beijing Roast Duck

Beijing Roast duck is thought to be one of the most delicious dishes all over the world; most visitors coming to Beijing will never forget to have a try...

Imperial Court Cuisine

Imperial Court Cuisine, another important part of Beijing Cuisine, originates from royal kitchens where dishes and food were only cooked for the royal family. After the fall of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911)...

Imperial Official Cuisine and Medicinal Cuisine
In the past, feudal officials were quite picky about their food, so their bland cuisine is usually exquisite and its material is always carefully selected. Tan Jia Cuisine and Hong Lou Cuisine are known as Imperial Official Cuisine...

Beijing Snacks
Beijing snacks, combining varied flavors from different nationalities like Han, Hui, Meng, Man and court snacks from the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), include many kinds and form the characteristic of their own...


Other Cuisines from Different Regions

A huge chunk of Chinese culture is devoted to food and drink. There are hundreds of different dishes, and each region has its own distinctive flavor. The majority of Chinese Restaurant in Beijing feature what is known as "family style dishes" ...


Foreign Cuisine

After tasting so many kinds of Chinese food, you might miss cuisine of your own country. Don't worry, you can find any type you want in Beijing. If you like fast food you can find that big yellow M in many places, or maybe you like KFC or Pizza...
2007-03-06 3:18 am
Beijing [English Pronunciation] (Chinese: 北京 [Chinese Pronunciation]; Pinyin: Běijīng; IPA: [pei˨˩ tɕɪŋ˥˥]), a metropolis in northern China, is the capital of the People's Republic of China (PRC). It was formerly known in English as Peking or Peiking [English Pronunciation]. Beijing is also one of the four municipalities of the PRC, which are equivalent to provinces in China's administrative structure. Beijing Municipality borders Hebei Province to the north, west, south, and for a small section in the east, and Tianjin Municipality to the southeast.



The Summer Palace in Beijing - photographed by Felice Beato in October 1860.


Wansong Pagoda


Miaoying Temple, one of the most renowned Buddhist temples in Beijing


The Temple of Azure Clouds

Main article: Tourist attractions of Beijing
Despite the turmoil of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries — including damage caused by European military intervention, the Japanese invasion of WWII and the Cultural Revolution — and the recent intense urbanisation and transformation, including the demolition of hutongs, Beijing still maintains tourist attractions that are rich in history.

Although more known for its political significance in the West, the Tian'anmen (Gate of Heavenly Peace) has long been one of the most important tourist sites of Beijing, both by itself and as the main entrance to the Forbidden City. Other world-renowned sites include the Badaling section of the Great Wall of China, the Summer Palace, and the Temple of Heaven.

[edit] Within the Beijing metropolitan area

[edit] Buildings, monuments, and landmarks

Forbidden City (World Heritage Site)
Tiananmen Square, site of the Tiananmen Square protests of May 4, 1919, 1976, and 1989

Tiananmen (The Gate of Heavenly Peace)
Great Hall of the People (National Legislature)
National Museum of China
Monument to the People's Heroes
Mausoleum of Mao Zedong
The Summer Palace (World Heritage Site)
Ruins of the Old Summer Palace
Bell Tower and Drum Tower
Historic Hutongs and Siheyuans in many older neighborhoods
Lugou Bridge (Marco Polo Bridge)
Eight Mile Bridge (Ba Li Qiao)
Prince Gong Mansion (Gong Wang Fu)
Zheng Yici Peking Opera Theatre
Liulichang Culture Street
Beijing Ancient Observatory

[edit] Temples, cathedrals, and mosques

Temple of Heaven (World Heritage Site), situated in the southern area of urban Beijing
Temple of Earth, located in northern Beijing
Temple of Sun, situated in the eastern area of urban Beijing
Temple of Moon, located in western Beijing
Tanzhe Temple
Jietai Temple
Yunju Temple
Yonghegong (Lama Temple)
Guangji Temple
Confucius Temple
Great Bell Temple
Fa Yuan Temple
Miaoying Temple
Zhen Jue Temple
Wanshou Temple
Five Pagoda Temple
Zhihua Si Temple
Temple of Azure Clouds
Temple of Recumbent Buddha
White Dagoba Temple in Beihai Park
Immaculate Conception Cathedral
Holy Saviour Church
Niujie Mosque

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