[20分] Grand Cru / Cru Classe / AOC 的分別和定義

2007-03-06 2:49 am
本人正在學紅酒入門...可是抄 notes 的時候抄得太亂, 導致現在有一些 basic things 還未能搞清楚...請各方好友幫幫忙 >__<

A) 請問Grand Cru / Cru Classe / AOC 的分別和定義。
cru 是指地方的分級嗎? aoc 是指酒的分級??

B) Grand Cru 和 Cru Classe 是指同一樣東西嗎?

C) 會不會有一隻酒(酒莊?葡萄園?)是有 AOC 又同時分為 Grand cru 的?

D) AOC比較高級還是 Grand Cru 比較高級? 是 AOC 裡再分 cru 嗎??

E) 法國內的分級制度是不是每個地區都不同的呢? Bordeaux和Burgundy是不是不同的? 可以列出來嗎?

答的地方太多了...所以付上20分給最佳答案的大人 ^0^

回答 (1)

2007-03-06 11:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
請問Grand Cru / Cru Classe / AOC 的分別和定義。
Cru ( France )
A term meaning 'growth' which is used in a number of French regions as a means of classifying wines. In Burgundy the best vineyards are Grands Crus, although in Bordeaux the term relates to the châteaux that own the land; they are the Cru Classé estates. In Champagne the term is applied to whole villages.

Cru Classé ( France )
The upper classification for the châteaux of the Médoc, laid down in 1855. It is divided into five tiers, from Premier Cru Classé to Cinquieme Cru Classé. More details may be found here: Bordeaux classifications.
Grand Cru
A confusing term. In Burgundy Grand Cru refers to the best vineyard sites, which are on the slopes of the Côte d'Or. In St Emilion, however, the majority of interesting estates are classified as Grand Cru and thus here the term means very little.

Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée (France)
Often abbreviated to AC or AOC, this is the highest legal classification for French wine, above Vin Délimité de Qualité Supérieure, Vin de Pays and Vin de Table. In order to qualify for the AC, wines must be produced from grapes grown within a geographically defined area, and conform to regulations concerning grape varieties, yields, alcohol content and so on. Although AC means these features are guaranteed, it is not unfortunately a guarantee of quality.
Cru 是指地方的分級嗎? – Cru 其實是解作"一條村莊"
AOC 是指酒的分級? - No. AOC是指該酒以某一區域葡萄釀製,並符合法國國家標準。但符合AOC標準並不艱難。
Grand Cru 和 Cru Classe 是指同一樣東西嗎? – 並不是 (見上面解釋)
會不會有一隻酒(酒莊?葡萄園?)是有 AOC 又同時分為 Grand cru 的? 當然有。

AOC比較高級還是 Grand Cru 比較高級? 是 AOC 裡再分 cru 嗎??
若單比較AOC和Grand Cru,所有能以Grand Cru 自居的酒莊都符合AOC標準。但符合AOC標準的只有少數能進身Grand Cru。
當然。波爾多( Bordeaux ) 區Left Bank 跟Right Bank 也有不同:
Left bank 分五級 (1st Growth to 5th Growth) 可參考我以前的答案:
Right Bank (St-Emilion) 以Premiers Grand Crus Classes 最高,Grand Crus Classes為次;
而Burgundy 則以Grand Cru 最高,Premier Cru為次,Cru Classes則再低。

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