請問"初賽" o既英文係咩? 決賽用FINALS 對嗎? 我要整宣傳單張呀!!

2007-03-05 11:39 pm
請問"初賽" o既英文係咩? 決賽用FINALS 對嗎? 我要整宣傳單張呀!!

回答 (5)

2007-03-05 11:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
在英文中,可以用heat來註明【初賽】,但英文普遍會用【第一圈】 (first round),【第二圈】 (second round) 等。
又例如,比如比賽初賽是用淘汰賽形式的話,便用【Round of ??】 (比如推算中初賽是32強,便是Round of 32,64強便是 Round of 64)
2007-03-06 10:24 pm
請問"初賽" o既英文係咩? 決賽用FINALS 對嗎?

田徑 (Track & Field) 及游泳等: Heat - 1st heat, 2nd heat.....
網球 (Tennis) 及多數的球類比賽: Early rounds: round of 64, 32, 16, quarter final, semi final & final.
參考: SELF
2007-03-06 12:13 am
A few ways to say this~

As the first few answers have already said, it can be refered to as "heat"

Or I would say "preliminary rounds".

決賽 you can say "finals", or the last battle/ competition can also be refered to as "grand final", meaning the last competition of the whole tournament.

Hope this helps.
參考: me~
2007-03-05 11:49 pm
參考: yahoo 字典
2007-03-05 11:46 pm
初賽, first heat/initial heat
決賽, final session or final 冇s

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