What is the meaning of critique in organization?

2007-03-05 10:24 pm
thank you...

回答 (1)

2007-03-06 8:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
Critical management studies (CMS) is a loose but rapidly growing grouping of politically left wing and theoretically innovative approaches to management, business and organisation. It encompasses a wide range of perspectives that are critical of traditional theories of management.

Alvesson, M and Willmott, H (eds) (1992) Critical Management Studies. London: Sage.
Alvesson, M and Willmott, H (eds) (2003) Studying Management Critically. London: Sage.
Braverman, H (1974) Labor and Monopoly Capital. New York: Monthly Review Press.
Fournier, V and Grey, C (2000) 'At the Critical Moment'. Human Relations.
Parker, M (2002) Against Management: Organisation in the Age of Managerialism. Oxford: Polity. ISBN 0-7456-2926-1.
Grey, C. and Willmott, H.C. (2005), Critical Management Studies: A Reader, Oxford University Press
External links

http://www.criticalmanagement.org - A single point of access to resources about the critical study of all aspects of management: a portal that provides links to sites where more detailed information can be found.
Links to Critical Management Resources
Critical Management Studies Interest Group of the US Academy of Management
Critical Organisation and Management Information and Education Sources (COMIES)

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