我在4.5同4.3$買左939同3988大家點睇?? You didn't buy them at the peak. 939 may reach $4.5 in a few months, and 3988 reach $4.3 may be a bit longer. Your buying price EW not too high afterall. If you can hold it for a few months, hold it. Otherwise better sell it asap, for I think the market is still going south in the near future. If you can afford to buy more, may consider to buy more 939 when the market becomes steady.
Better wait or cut loss.
US$ vs Yen is close to 1 vs 115, it will have a big drop to New York stock tonight.
It won't bounce back in short time anyway.
It will continue to drop until thurs (at least) when the result of commun. bank comes out or Yen is approx. 113.