
2007-03-05 10:01 pm
我好鍾意中煤能源呢隻股. $6.5買入, 但依家跌至$6.07. 唔知沽唔沽好?

回答 (4)

2007-03-07 6:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
2007-03-05 10:45 pm
2007-03-05 10:17 pm
sell 啦, 所有半新股有清貨的行為出現, 仍尋底
2007-03-05 10:16 pm
if u r targeting for long term investment, u should hold on to it.... the coal price is increasing and the policies from the PRC govt towards coal is very positive. All smll coal developer will be shut down under the policies and pressure from the central govt, thus 1088 and 1898 will be the biggest winner after all.

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