求救!!LCD MON無反應

2007-03-05 8:19 pm


回答 (3)

2007-03-05 9:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Main point: The computer have no signal!
This have some reasons, may be:
1--The hard disk is unable to read
2--Some hard ware is unable to run
3--The monitor data cable or the display card is not plugged well
In first problem, the hard disk is unable to read because the starter file is damaged, or it has bad sector. If the starter file is damaged or cannot be found, you foung it the HDD LED is keep on lighting, not blinking, that means it is not working, you need to take it to the shop which is for hard ware repairing. If it has bad sector, you need to replace another one.
In second problem, some hard ware is unable to run because they are damaged by anything. In this case, as you start the computer, it will have BEEP...BEEP sounds. If you hear these sounds, they are formed in long or short sounds, you can write them to me (Example: Long...Short...Short...Short, in AMI BIOS, this means the RAM is damaged), let me to check.
The last problem, you need to check the data cable which is link to the monitor. If it is not plugged well, just plug it well. In display card, just do it same. If it still have no signal, the monitor really has problems.
May be more problems will occur.
For more, ask me more.

2007-03-05 13:21:15 補充:
Add more tips:As you write the beep sounds form, you can write in...5 ShortsIn AMI BIOS
2007-03-05 8:48 pm

2007-03-05 8:43 pm
1) any "beep beep" sound from your computer after turn on the computer. if no = normal, if yes, it is problem (except normal one beep sound"

2) If no beep beep sound than the basic hard ware may be Ok, check all cable first.

3)video card, if you display card is on board and share memory. try to disable it and add another one to test. If add on type than change another one. If possible change the monitor also.

4)k/b light on or off after turn computer. On is OK, if off check cable and change another to try.

if you do above 4 thing it still can't turn on the computer may be the mother board or power supply problem.

I belive most likely is the diaplay card or monitor problem.

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