依句secentance 有冇錯呀?

2007-03-05 6:52 pm
The Earth, the planet that we live, has limited supplies of resources such as coal and oil.

回答 (3)

2007-03-05 7:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think no problem but seems like - the earth has some 'control" on the supply

how about these - (just want to share my understanding with u)
The Earth, the planet that we live (or are living?), is limited in natual resources supply, such as coal and oil.

The Earth, the planet that we live (or are living?), is short of natual resources supply, such as coal and oil.
參考: my own
2007-03-07 11:03 am
唔好意思, 我想話 the first answer 好似唔係好 correct, i hope u won't take it into account. 上面既朋友就無事~~

I think u should write as follow:
The Earth, the planet that we live on, has limited resource supplies such as coal and oil.

PS. "sentence", not "secentance" :D
參考: NR ninja :)
2007-03-05 7:19 pm
句子是sentence, not secentance!

I try to change your sentence as little as possible:

The Earth, the planet on which we live, has limited supply of (natural) resources, such as coal and oil.

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