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You should refer to the Eurail Select Pass Saver with 3 countries? 5 day US$344 for adult?
咁係唔係話 如果我只係搭一個 station , 佢都當我1 日? 定係可以係 1 日內任我地搭幾多次都可以呢 ?
yes. When you decide to use the Pass for today, you need to write down the current date on the pass. During the whole day, you can travel by train as many as you want. 係 1 日內任搭幾多次都可以. So, the strategy is to use the pass only when you travel a lot/for long journey. For short journey (like 1 station), buy the single journey ticket instead. Don't waste the 5 days limit of your pass.
咁係唔係已經可以係呢d 大 station 下車 ?
For those cities you mentioned, there are at least one train station there. Some of them may have 2-3 stations.
每站既車程又係幾長 ?
Use the website to check travel time, transit stations and types of trains
駛唔駛再有 extra charge 架
Select Pass covers most trains. Some of the rapid trains, night trains need extra charge (even with Euro Pass). Use the above website the check the train type and see whether it's covered by Pass.
Pass does not cover: Eurostar, Italian Day trains, AVE, Talgo, Elipsos, Thalys, Cisalpino, etc
Also, reservations (with extra reservation fee) are mandatory on certain day trains and on all night trains.
2007-03-05 21:11:19 補充:
If train requires mandatory seat reservation, it require extra charge. Like :Eurostar,Thalys,Lyria,Artesia:France-Italy Day,AVE,Cisalpino,Italian Day trains,Riviera Day Train,Spanish Trains,Talgo 200,Talgo Day,TGV,TGV Med,Elipsos Trenhotel