Do you have a daytime job, and you're doing alright?

2007-03-05 12:53 am

回答 (9)

2007-03-05 1:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yup, that's why I don't mind if I don't make the scene.
2007-03-05 9:13 am
He can play honky tonk just like anything
Saving it up for friday night
2007-03-05 8:59 am
currently no. but i'll be firing up the mowing biz again soon. the reason i am answering this is i'm a karaoke host and am learning to sing that song.
參考: as if anyone cares! lol
2007-03-05 9:04 am
2007-03-05 8:58 am
2007-03-05 8:57 am
Yes and yes.
2007-03-05 8:57 am
i have had many day jobs and they all sucked and i kept getting fired or quit for being late or absent, etc. now i work graveyards and it's awesome!!!!! i get so much done now in the daytime!!
2007-03-05 8:56 am
a little...
2007-03-05 8:56 am
Yes, doing o.k.

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