what is a resident alien?

2007-03-05 12:42 am
what is a nonresident alien?

回答 (13)

2007-03-05 12:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
A resident alien is one who is permanently staying in a country for a long period of time for employment, education and other purposes. A non-resident alien is one who is just visiting the country.
2007-03-05 12:46 am
a citizen of one country who has been granted permit or visa to reside in another country...
2007-03-05 1:48 am
someone who has temporary papers? google it.
2007-03-05 12:52 am
A person who is an immgrant and has a green card who is elligible to stay in aplace and be citizenship of one country
2007-03-05 12:47 am
is a person living legal "but " he o she , is not , citizen ,.
2007-03-05 12:46 am
A foreigner with a legal resident visa.
2007-03-05 12:45 am
an oxymoron
2007-03-05 12:45 am
Well, New Mexico has resident aliens and those found in Roswell.
2007-03-05 12:45 am
Do you mean "legal" and "illegal" alien? Then, if so an "illegal" alien is someone who is not legally a US citizen and is living in the US without the government's permission.
2007-03-05 12:44 am
A citizen of another country who lives in the United States and/or has resident status by law or visa, or passes the substantial presence test.
2007-03-05 12:44 am
my mommy
2007-03-05 12:44 am
Resident Alien - someone who holds a green card.
2007-03-05 12:45 am
An illegal immigrant.

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