dice's decay constant 20

2007-03-05 7:40 am
我上堂做左個 dice's decay 有100 粒 dice 放落個盒 如果有6 ga take away throw 到沒有6
個data :
time dice left
0 100
1 81
2 67
3 56
4 49
5 37
6 33
7 29
8 24
9 18
10 16
11 12
12 9
13 8
14 7
15 5
16 5
17 3
18 3
19 2
20 1
21 1
22 0
用上面ga data 點搵decay constant 諗左好耐都唔識呀 help!!!~~ U_U
仲有就係 decay constant's formula 個 In 唔係好明

我仲有d 野唔明 我個miss 佢用 N=(No)*e^(-kt) 搵左個half life 係3.6 但我用 fractional decay 搵到3.1 個個formula 係咩黎? (唔係好信個miss)...

回答 (2)

✔ 最佳答案
2 methods.

Plot the graph [no. of dice] against [time].
find the half life, t --- time taken from 100 to 50 OR time taken from 50 to 25 and it should be the same.
decay constant = ln 2 / t.

Plot the graph ln[no. of dice] against [time].
A straight line can be found.
We can then find the decay constant by considering the -slope.
參考: from my knowledge
2007-03-05 8:34 am

1) Calculate the fractional decay for each roll by dividing the number of “decays” per roll by the number of dice rolled.

2) Average the fractional decays to get your decay constant


time dice left
0 100
1 81

即是, 第一次擲骰子之後, fractional decay 等於 (100 - 81) / 100 = 0.19


time dice left decays fractional decays
0 100
1 81 19 0.1900
2 67 14 0.1728
3 56 11 0.1642
4 49 7 0.1250
5 37 12 0.2449
6 33 4 0.1081
7 29 4 0.1212
8 24 5 0.1724
9 18 6 0.2500
10 16 2 0.1111
11 12 4 0.2500
12 9 3 0.2500
13 8 1 0.1111
14 7 1 0.1250
15 5 2 0.2857
16 5 0 0.0000
17 3 2 0.4000
18 3 0 0.0000
19 2 1 0.3333
20 1 1 0.5000
21 1 0 0.0000
22 0 1 1.0000

而 decay constant 等於 fractional decays 平均值 0.2234

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