
2007-03-05 7:11 am
空氣的實驗 (一)

需要物件 (儀器 ):一個玻璃杯,一鍋水,報紙

怎樣做 (實驗步驟 ):把報紙捏皺塞進空玻璃杯裡,要緊到你倒轉杯子報紙也不會掉下來。把杯子底部朝上,浸到裝滿水的鍋子裡。就這樣拿著杯子。一分鐘後,把杯子拉出鍋子,拿出報紙。

會發生的事 (實驗結果) :報紙是乾的。

原因 (推論 ):因為空杯裡早已充滿空氣,空氣的氣壓與外邊相同,空氣無法跑出來,水也無法進入杯子裡,



回答 (1)

2007-03-05 8:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
空氣的實驗 (一)
Experiment on the air (1)

需要物件 (儀器 ):一個玻璃杯,一鍋水,報紙
Objects required (Equipment): a drinking glass, a pot of water, newspaper.

怎樣做 (實驗步驟 ):把報紙捏皺塞進空玻璃杯裡,要緊到你倒轉杯子報紙也不會掉下來。
How to do that? (Procedures): The newspaper is squeezed into banks, and tightly stuffed into the glass. It must be so tight that it will not fall out even the glass is turned upside down.
把杯子底部朝上,浸到裝滿水的鍋子裡。Turn the glass upside down and soak it into the pot fully filled with water.
Hold the glass in this way for one minute. Then take the glass out of the pot. Take out the newspaper too.

會發生的事 (實驗結果) :報紙是乾的。
What will happen? (Result of the experiment): The newspaper is dry.

原因 (推論 ):因為空杯裡早已充滿空氣,空氣的氣壓與外邊相同,空氣無法跑出來,水也無法進入杯子裡,
Reasons (Inference) : Because the empty glass has been filled with the air., and the pressure that asserted by the air is the same both inside and outside the glass, the air cannot come out and the water cannot enter into the glass.
Conclusion: This experiment proves that the air really exists in our surroundings although it is colorless and odorless.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 20:52:36
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