
2007-03-05 7:10 am
Topic hai gum,,

Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality and development than any experiences we may have in our life.

Which do you consider to be the major influence?

我應該點作,,, 要比reason,,and include any relevant examples,,,,,

= =果到我打曬條題目la,,, 我諗個題目係想問你agree ng agree 天生ga人格比你後天所學ga經驗影響較大,,, 比example 點解agree and ng agree!!!

回答 (3)

2007-03-05 8:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
調查報告指出, 天生的特徵 對比起你後生o既經歷, 天生的特徵會較為影響你的性格和成長 ????

好似有d .. ......

就咁睇題目 .. 大概理解到呱 .. 我就disagree, 我認為後天o既經歷會影響到成個人多d

經歷會讓人領悟 從而令人改變
For instance, you never know what the reality is when you are applying for or having a job. However, once you experience some incidents just like interview or something else, you'll then learn what you should do in order to have a better performance next time.

Nowadays, there are more and more University's graduates applying for limited positions. Work experience has become the main criterion for the employers to hire applicants.

>>Experience is important
參考: myself...
2007-03-05 8:55 am
The personality of an individual is the product of inherited dispositions and environmental experiences. These experiences occur within the field of his physical, biological, and social environment, all of which are modified by the culture of his group. Similarities of life experience and heredity will tend to produce similar personality characteristics in different individuals, whether in the same society or in different societies.

Human personalities are similar, furthermore, insofar as they all experience both gratifications and deprivations. They are frustrated by the impersonal environment (weather, physical obstacles, etc.) and by physiological conditions within their own bodies (physical incapacities, illnesses, etc.). Likewise, social life means some sacrifice of autonomy, subordination, and the responsibilities of superordination. The pleasure and pain men experience depend also upon what culture has taught them to expect from one another. Anticipations of pain and pleasure are internalized through punishment and reward.

These universalities of human life produce comparable effects upon the developing personalities of men of all times, places, and races. But they are seldom explicitly observed or commented upon. They tend to remain background phenomena -taken for granted like the air we breathe.

Frequently remarked, however, are the similarities in personality traits among members of groups or in specific individuals from different groups. In certain features of personality, most men are "like some other men." The similarity may be to other members of the same socio-cultural unit. The statistical prediction can safely be made that a hundred Americans, for example, will display certain defined characteristics more frequently than will a hundred Englishmen comparably distributed as to age, sex, social class, and vocation.
2007-03-05 7:25 am
Yes, agreed with the 1st upstair answer. Your question & details are not understandable (不可理解的). Could u pls ask again in Chinese?

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