
2007-03-05 6:17 am
People from all walks of life in Macau are joining the "lighthouse movement" to save the historic Guia Lighthouse and other heritage sites from the city's seemingly relentless development. They hope to preserve the outlook of the 140-year-old landmark.

A government approved property development scheme will see tall buildings-one of which would be 99.9m high - erected near the lighthouse. Many people fear the new buildings will obscure the view from this popular tourist spot's landmark beacon.


Heritage activists, intent on taking the matter to the United Nations, are drafting a letter outlining the threat to the former Portuguese enclave's role as a tourism magnet.


The letter is expected to censure the Macau government's development scheme until it revises the height limit on new buildings.



回答 (3)

2007-03-05 8:03 am
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People from all walks of life in Macau are joining the "lighthouse movement" to save the historic Guia Lighthouse and other heritage sites from the city's seemingly relentless development.
在澳門,來自不同階層的人士,聯合 參與「燈塔行動」,目的是要從這城市,似乎是不仁道的發展中,挽救具歷史性的 Guia 燈塔及其他遺蹟。

They hope to preserve the outlook of the 140-year-old landmark.
他們希望可以保存這 擁有一百四十年歷史的地標的風貌。
A government approved property development scheme will see tall buildings-one of which would be 99.9m high - erected near the lighthouse.
一個政府批准的物業發展計劃,將會考慮在燈塔附近,豎立高的建築物(其中一幢將會有 99.9米高)
. Many people fear the new buildings will obscure the view from this popular tourist spot's landmark beacon.
Heritage activists, intent on taking the matter to the United Nations, are drafting a letter outlining the threat to the former Portuguese enclave's role as a tourism magnet.
The letter is expected to censure the Macau government's development scheme until it revises the height limit on new buildings
2007-03-05 6:57 am

澳門不同階層的人聯合起來參加"燈塔行動" 來保護有歷史的東望洋燈塔及其他有保存價值的遺跡不受本地的急速發展. 他們希望能保留有一百四十年的地標

2007-03-04 23:17:04 補充:
政府通過物業發展計劃在燈塔旁建一坐樓高99.9米的大樓. 很多民眾恐怕新大樓會阻礙在這受歡迎的旅遊點的景觀. 一個非常重要的地標保護歷史文民的中堅份子, 希望將事件提交聯合國, 一封文書正在草擬中來逼壓前葡萄牙特區政府來吸引遊客 這封信是希望能擱蹍澳門政府之發展計劃直至有關大樓高度能修改
2007-03-05 6:35 am
這段英文的意思是各行各業的人們(是)參加" 燈塔運動" 在 Macau 節省具有歷史意義 Guia 燈塔和其他的遺產地點(場所)從城市的在表面上無情的發展中。 他們希望保存 140 - 年老(舊)的界標的展望。

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