2007-03-05 5:50 am
what is 『THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX 』請用中文解釋&舉例

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2007-03-05 6:19 am
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Thinking outside the box 跳出傳統思維

Thinking outside the box is a cliché or catchphrase used to refer to looking at a problem from a new perspective without preconceptions, sometimes called a process of lateral thought .


The catchphrase has become widely used in business environments, especially by management consultants , and has spawned a number of advertising slogans .


Origin 起源

The "nine dots" puzzle."9點"的困惑. The first appearance of the phrase is obscure.首次露面的語意含糊. However, both Martin Kihn of Fast Company [1] and the Random House Word Mavens [2] concur that the phrase relates to a traditional topographical puzzle called the nine dots puzzle .但是,無論馬丁公司kihn快速[1]和朗文字mavens[2]同意與傳統語叫九個圓點地形謎謎.

One of many solutions to the puzzle.
According to Kihn, consultants of the 1970s and 1980s tried to make their prospective clients feel inadequate by presenting them with the puzzle.
The challenge is to connect the dots by drawing four straight, continuous lines, and never lifting the pencil from the paper.
連接點的挑戰是由四個畫筆直,連續線從鉛筆、紙張永不解除. The puzzle is easily solved, but only if you draw the lines outside of the confines of the square area defined by the nine dots themselves.
困惑是比較容易解決,但如果你只是得出線外走走廣場面積確定的九個圓點. Thus, the phrase "thinking outside the box" was born.
The Word Mavens refer to Prof. Daniel Kies of the College of DuPage , who observes that the puzzle is only difficult because "we imagine a boundary around the edge of the dot array.

The nine dots puzzle is much older than the slogan.
It appears in Sam Loyd 's 1914 Cyclopedia of Puzzles .
In the 1951 compilation The Puzzle-Mine: Puzzles Collected from the Works of the Late Henry Ernest Dudeney , the puzzle is attributed to Dudeney himself.
Lexicographer David Barnhart reports that he encountered the phrase in 1975 .詞典幼barnhart報導說,他在1975年遇到了一句.
Christopher Columbus's Egg Puzzle as it appeared in Sam Loyd 's Cyclopedia of Puzzles .哥倫布的雞蛋困惑,因為它出現在薩姆loyd的MEERSCH的困惑. Sam Loyd's original formulation of the puzzle [6] called it " Christopher Columbus 's egg puzzle." Envisioning the target dots of the puzzle as eggs makes it clear that they have area and are not infinitesimally small points , or that the strokes that connect them have width.快遞loyd原先制訂的困惑[6]稱之為"哥倫布國蛋謎."展望目標圓點的困惑蛋清楚,他們不是無窮小面積和點,或筆劃寬度都認為連接. Either of these features allows a three-line solution (near-parallel lines that meet far away from the nine points) or even a one-line solution (using a line thick enough to touch all nine points).要么這些特徵允許三線液(近平行線,滿足遠離9分)甚至一個在線解(用厚線觸摸全部9分).

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