
2007-03-05 4:57 am
最近日圓急升, 市場担心一直借日圓投資他國資產的活動會否開始unwind, 觸發金融市場大幅波動, 不知各位有何高見?

回答 (1)

2007-03-05 11:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Don't see that at present apprecaition of yen does have much to do with carry trade. Please do not forget that the fiscal year for most of the Japanese Company is on March 31st., so a lot of large Japs company are buying yen back to boost it fiscal feagure.

If you could recall just within this 1 year, there are several time that yen sudden rise (around 3-5Yen within a week) against dollar sharply just for reason for US economic going to slow down, FED not going to rise rate, BOJ is going to rise interest rate ( just only at present 0.5% which most none Japan Company won't even bother even if BOJ will rise another 2-3 time this year, except for Japanese Bank and Japanese Company) or etc.

For carry trade effect buying yen sharply back to pay loan, it will only happen when the eqiuty market start to melt down just like the most update even on 2002 end of Q1.
參考: my experience

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