
2007-03-05 4:28 am

回答 (3)

2007-03-05 6:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
The middle-school student may use this telephone to use eight reaches passes the function, but when in the telephone eight reaches passes does not have the remaining sum, can have the information prompt, can inform them to rise in value. But another function has the waterproof function, even if the telephone is gotten wet by the water, all can operate normally. The final function is equipped with 2,000,000 picture element cameras, can the clear xi photography
2007-03-15 4:51 am
八達通(卡)係Octopus card/pass,唔係eight reaches passes.
像素係pixel,唔係picture elements.
2007-03-05 4:32 am

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