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( 從1955年,世界第一家麥當勞由創始人Ray A. Kroc在美國芝加哥Elk Grove Village成立,金黃拱門下的美味漢堡和親切服務,立刻受到各界人士的歡迎
Since the first Macdonald had been set up by its founder, Ray A. Kroc, at Elk Grove Village in Chicago of the United States in 1955, tasty hamburgers and hospitable service under the golden arched symbol were welcomed by people from different status immediately.
Now Macdonald supplies delicious and super valued hamburgers for 43 million people in the whole world everyday. Besides, a Macdonald is born at certain corner of the world every three hours!
Its fast and amazing speed of expansion makes almost everywhere in the world has that golden arched symbol which represents quick service, chained food and beverages catering, brand and leadership.