
2007-03-05 3:19 am



回答 (2)

2007-03-05 8:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
請問你的 15000 蚊包唔包機票, 而你的 4 星期又想澳洲邊度????
如果要包香港 - 澳洲的機票, 15000 蚊係唔足夠的. 香港到澳洲機票最平都 5000 幾蚊. 剩低 10000 蚊用 30 日, 每日 300 蚊, 交完房租同食完飯你都冇錢剩了
就算不計算香港澳洲的機票, 澳洲各城市間的距離很遠, 最少也 1 小時飛機, 內陸機票最便宜也需要約 800 - 1000 港元. 火車或巴士反而更貴. 假設你只去東岸大城市, 內陸機票也需要 3000 - 4000 港元了. 也一樣只剩下每日 300 蚊, 一樣不夠用...
澳洲消費高. 去一日大堡嶕要 800 - 1200 港元. 拉上補下一日消費約 600 蚊. 30 日就是 18000 蚊, 加埋機票, 去澳洲玩一個月需要最少約 27000 - 30000 元左右
6 月份是澳洲的冬天. 需要帶備羽絨, 但開恩茲等地又會熱, 因此你需要帶冬夏衣服了...
2007-03-08 4:21 pm
Qantas now has sale. http://www.qantas.com.au/international/ct/specials/redhot.html Each domestic only costs HKD390. You should book now.

If you are coming in June, it is better to just travel along the coast in Queensland. The weather will be much nicer up in the north. You can start from Cairns and then travel down to Brisbane and Gold Coast. And fly back from there. If you have more time, you can go to Sydney also.

Just learn to be able to stand on the surf borad took my brother 1 whole week in the water. It is something you will be proud of.

Franser Island is a must as well - the biggest sand island in the world. The whole island is made of sand. It takes time to travel to places. I strongly recommend you take it easy to travel than just to see a few capital cities. Since you have 1 month, you have more time to travel to remote places.

When you stay in Youth Hostel, you can post to ask for a lift to the next town where you are going to or join other people to share the petrol costs. There are always people who want to save money. If you dont have a rigid plan, you should be able to join other people for some parts of your journey. It will be more fun too as you can meet people and it is so much cheaper. Otherwise, you can also buy bus pass to travel to different places - www.greyhound.com.au.

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