nature of Beta and Alpha particles

2007-03-05 3:17 am
what are their nature mentioned above?
why they can both show magnetic and electric deflection and can travel in vacuum?radiation can travel in vacuum,right? But they don't belong to EM wave....
how they travel in vacuum?

回答 (1)

2007-03-05 10:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
alpha particle:
nature - fast-moving Helium nucleus
charge - +2e
mass(atomic mass unit) - 4u
speed - ~0.1c (where c=speed of light)
energy - the same for a given source
range in air - several cm
penetrating power - stopped by paper or skin
ionizing power - strong, produce 10^3 to 10^4 ions in air per mm
effect to E&M field - bent slightly

beta particle:
nature - fast-moving electrons
charge - -e
mass(atomic mass unit) - 1/1840 u
speed - ~0.3c (where c=speed of light)
energy - depend on source
range in air - up to a meter
penetrating power - stopped by several mm of aluminum
ionizing power - weak, producing about 100 of ions in air per mm
effect to E&M field - bent strongly

indeed vacuum some how means "nothing"
so the particles can freely travel in vacuum
their motion will remain a stright line unless there are electric field or magnetic field appear

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