
2007-03-05 3:05 am

回答 (3)

2007-03-09 1:40 am
✔ 最佳答案


基本上....初玩結他而又想要有d質素,1000 ~2000 都可以架喇.......柏斯琴行買得到
再想好一點....通利琴行吧,....1500~3000蚊.....呢類結他屬下上級了.......(牌子例如...ibanez,yamaha,toyama<- 柏斯琴行,epiphone等......)

如果再再好一點.....都要3000~7000 ....呢類屬於中中階層.......牌子有ibanez,frender,epihone,esp,bc rich等......

還有上級d既...都要萬幾蚊架喇.....如ibanez系列既 s v啦....仲有js系列....呢類都係一d為結他手出而出既結他style,...仲有bc rich,gillson,frender, parker等等....

新手比較建議學木結他...因為杷位闊,易按(選得好才叫易按,不然.......你要加油了= =)

有任何問題、學結他、學bass、出show,可聯絡我...msn:[email protected]
參考: 打bad教班玩bass經驗
2009-02-11 7:42 am
1對1 教學
550$ 1hours x 4堂
內容包括(結他技巧 樂理應用 )等由初學至深造。


msn : [email protected]

e-Mail [email protected]
電話: 98120445

2007-03-05 3:53 am
I suppose that those guitar sets in Tom Lee are good for beginners. (The set includes the electric guitar, amplifire and the tuner).
Yamaha and Ibanez are fine for beginners.
The neck of Ibanez is really comfortable, and its afforable.
Mostly the guitars are new so u dont have to worry. But what u usually do when u buy is guitar is - u pick up the ones u like, and try to strum it. Try to feel which fits u the best n which u think is the most comfortable.
Last but not least, go to Tom Lee to buy one!!!
^_^ if u have any problems, u can add my MSN : [email protected] ( my msn is gmail )
**I use Gibson ga** But i wont recommend beginners to use Gibson~
參考: i play the guitar

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