何謂palygirl ?

2007-03-05 2:50 am
我成日吸引到男仔架 , d仔好易就想溝我 , 開頭我會想比d仔溝 , 到我sure佢溝我時 , 我就無feel亦唔會開心 , 之後會唔想佢地找我 , 如果有feel個d , 咩都唔駛同佢講就會抱下 , 打下車輪咁......但之後都係唔會想再找佢...但衰我極都唔會同人上床 , 只想玩下就算......等二次又會同等二個做呢d野 , 我算係咩呢 ?我係咪palygirl呢?我係咪玩仔呢??

我唔想拍拖 , 亦唔想有真愛 , 你誤會左了....我年紀唔細 , 係覺得自己d喜好好奇怪所以想問下係咪正常呢??

回答 (2)

2007-03-05 3:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think you have every right to kiss and hug whoever you like. You must have a real good look and very attractive, make the most of it!! As long as you know what you are doing, I don't see why there is a problem. You enjoy the attention, you like being the centre of the attention, don't be shame.

At the end of the day, have a kiss doesn't mean anything, I don't think it's worth to bother yourself. I wouldn't use the world of 'Playgirl', you are far from it and you just want to have a bit of fun, why not?

Life is too short and why not make the most of it. If you don't want to settle down with anyone, just enjoy yourself until you are ready for commitment. Good luck!!
2007-03-05 3:04 am

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