
2007-03-05 1:50 am
請問看那類型書學英文最好呢? 最好又不會太深容易明白易理解

回答 (4)

2007-03-05 3:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
Read anything that interests you. There is no point to force yourself to read something you don't like. Try to start with something simple, like magazines, news paper, or music acticles.

If you start to like it, go to a book shop or library and pick one English book that you think you can finish it. Don't choose something too difficult to start with, remember what interest you is the most importance.

My person recommedation is ''Don't Sweat the Small Stuff'' by Richard Carlson. Try it.
2007-03-05 2:06 am
當然睇 grammar 書學英文最好啦
但我介紹你睇 一本故事書, 名叫 Who moved my cheese? 作者叫 Spencer Johnson. 只有 100 頁左右, 唔會太長, 唔會太深, d字體又大隻, 故事又有意思...請問閣下大約咩野程度架?
2007-03-05 1:58 am
睇D英文story book or電影小說
2007-03-05 1:56 am
就睇roald dahl既書啦, 佢d書好易明而且有好幾套都製成左movie,
好似matilda啊, charlie and the chocolate factory咁樣,
通常roald dahl既書都會係d學校畀junior form做reader的
所以其實用詞果d都唔難同埋會比較富趣味性, 係幾好的選擇~

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