junk food的問題...(十萬火急!!)

2007-03-05 1:12 am

1.Junk and food are two totally different things.Is there any problem about linking them up in the term "junk food"?(Hint:think about the meaning of the word 'junk' and the word 'food'.Write more than 30 words.)

2.What is the meaning of the title "You are what you eat?" (more than 30 words).

THX!! ^_^

回答 (2)

2007-03-05 1:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. junk is some worthless material. Junk is something that you dont want. Foe examplr junkmail. Food is something we eat, provide us nutritions . However, there are some food that only provide us empty calories, extra fat, cholesterol, or even carcinogen...etc, for example potato chips, soft drinks... It increases the risk of getting diseases and make us more and more unhealthy. These are exactly what we dont want in this modern world--- just like junk. Thus, using the term"junk food" to refer to these kind of food is appropriate.

2. "You are what you eat" Whatever you eat, it enter your body and once absorbed, it become a part of you. Eating more junkfood, means taking more extra cholesterols, carcinogen... and making yourself more unhealthy. If you eat healthy, with a healthy diet, you will be healthy.

2007-03-04 17:37:28 補充:
補充2. You are what you eat, means "you are" (health or not is determined by) "what you eat".
參考: myself
2007-03-05 1:16 am
Junk=gabbage or trash. Junk Food = food that may not promote health, or even harmful to health.
You are what you eat = If you eat fatty food, you become fat. If you eat healthy food, you become healthy.

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