
2007-03-05 1:09 am
佢之前俾人告殺左佢老婆之類 總之佢殺左人啦
大概係有關 "如果我有殺到人"
但係美國所有人罷買 所以攪到無得賣既

P.S. D記億好零碎-W-SORRY...

回答 (1)

2007-03-05 6:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"If I Did It" by O. J. Simpson

(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_I_Did_It )

If I Did It is a canceled book by O. J. Simpson, in which he puts forth a hypothetical description of the murders for which he was acquitted in a 1995 criminal trial, but found financially liable for in a civil trial. The book was announced in mid-November 2006 for a November 30, 2006 release, but intense public criticism led to the cancellation of the book's publication and a related television interview, both from divisions of News Corporation (HarperCollins/Regan Books and Fox Broadcasting Company, respectively). According to a Newsweek story, all 400,000 printed copies were recalled for destruction, save for one locked away in a vault at News Corp.[1]. While the book has been almost impossible to find on the secondary market as a result, one copy did show up on eBay on January 15, 2007, with a starting bid of $1500, fueling speculation about whether News Corp. was able to destroy all printed copies[citation needed]. [2] . James Wolcott of Vanity Fair obtained a "pristine hardcover" of the book for a review published in January 2007.
參考: Wikipedia

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