法律文件不明白, 可否替我翻譯, 可否翻譯成易明白的中文版呢?

2007-03-05 1:06 am
Judgment was given for the plaintiff on a point of pleading, but the court made it clear that, had it not been for a technical flaw, they would have found for the defendant, on the ground that the part payment had been made on an earlier day than that appointed in the bond.

還有一段呢!The debt could be discharged, not by a merely partial payment of the original obligation, but only through the introduction, at the creditor’s request, of some new element – the tender of a different chattel or part payment at a fresh place or on an earlier date

回答 (2)

2007-03-07 3:26 am

2007-03-05 1:13 am
Judgment was given for the plaintiff on a point of pleading, but the court made it clear that, had it not been for a technical flaw, they would have found for the defendant, on the ground that the part payment had been made on an earlier day than that appointed in the bond.
判決在一個懇求的點上被為原告給, 但是法庭明確表示那, 要不是一處技術瑕疵, 他們可能為被告找到,理由是部分款項已經被在比那在債券方面確定的一個更早期的日子支付。

The debt could be discharged, not by a merely partial payment of the original obligation, but only through the introduction, at the creditor’s request, of some new element – the tender of a different chattel or part payment at a fresh place or on an earlier date
欠債可能被卸, 不透過原先的義務的僅僅部分付款, 但是只透過介紹, 在那些creditor s 請求,一些新元素V那些投標的不同動產或者部分新地方的支付或者關於更盡快的日期
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