Plz help~Difficult to tranlate

2007-03-05 12:39 am
Plz help me transltate these from english to Chinese, Please.

By almost any standard, Africa’s quality of governance is low. Property rights are difficult to enforce, violence and crime are high, and corruption is perceived to be extensive... Governance and higher incomes go hand in hand not only because good governance improves for two major reasons.

回答 (1)

2007-03-05 4:42 am
✔ 最佳答案

By almost any standard, (按照差不多哪個標準來說,)
Africa’s quality of governance is low. (非洲的管治質素是低劣的。)
Property rights are difficult to enforce, (資產權益難以實施,)
violence and crime are high, (暴力及罪案數字都很高,)
and corruption is perceived to be extensive... (而且貪污情況被察覺到是廣泛的...)
Governance and higher incomes go hand in hand (管治及更高收入是攜手相連的,)
not only because good governance improves for two major reasons. (不單止是因為良好的管治改善了兩個主要原因.)

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