
2007-03-04 11:53 pm
大家知唔知matilda書入面既性格(兩句就得in English)...包括matilda...michael...Mr&Mrs Wormwood...Bruce Bogtrotter... Amanda Thripp... Miss Honey...
Miss Trunchbull...
3月4日 6:00 前!~

回答 (2)

2007-03-05 12:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
matilda-->the main character in this book
She likes reading books. She is a clever girl.
Sometimes she plays tricks on Mr & Mrs Wormwood.

Mr&Mrs Wormwood-->live with Matilda
They hate Matilda very much. They always punish with her.

Bruce Bogtrotter-->A boy who study the same school with Matilda.
One day, He ate Miss Trunchbull's cake.
Miss Trunchbull then punish Bruce.
She gave a enormous cake to Bruce and Bruce must finish it all.

Amanda Thripp-->A girl with two pigtails
One day Miss Trunchbull punish Amanda.
She picked Amanda's pigtails and throw her away.
Then Amanda cried.

Miss Honey-->A teacher who likes Matilda very much.

Miss Trunchbull--> A extremely bad teacher in school
All students afraid of her.
She always punish student in a harsh way and never think of the student's way.

2007-03-06 4:47 am
Matilda---She likes reading and she is a genius . Besides , she had a very special power-using eyes to move things .

Michael---Matilda's brother

Mr Wormwood---Matilda's father who liked through lying to earn money and watchingTV

Mrs Wormwook---Matilda's mother who liked to have heavy make up and watching TV

Miss Honey---Matilda's teacher who was so kind and helped Matilda

Miss Trunchbull---Miss Honey's Aunt who was a little bit crazy and liked to throw Hammar.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 13:08:34
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