超急.....英文故事christmas carol 的中文內容

2007-03-04 11:08 pm
有冇可以人話到比我知 christmas carol 既大概




回答 (1)

2007-03-04 11:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Chiratmas carol~

when sir charles baskervile is foundmysteriously dead in the grounds of Baskerville Hall ,everyone remembers the legend of the monstrous creature that haunts the moor .The greatest detective in the world,Sherlock homles knows there must be a more rational explanation- but the difficulty is to find it before the hellhound finds him.

The Call Of The Wild~

The moving story of a prond dog who betrayed and sold to be a sledge dog in the harsh and frozen.This is the remarkable story of how Buck rises above his enemies to become one of the nost feared and admired dogs in the north.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 13:05:20
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