WINDOWS 入面ge temp file d野delete吾delete得

2007-03-04 11:01 pm
WINDOWS 入面ge temp file d野delete吾delete得, 因為我成個本機磁碟得24 gb, 剩係個temp file都有16gb,加埋其他野,差吾多爆, 搞到佢成日話"本機磁碟 c: 空間太少" 成日要我剷野,我已經剷無可剷啦,我又吾想剷機wor. 甘究竟,temp file入面d 野剷吾剷得呢
佢最大ge file係一d "pr"字頭,".tmp" 尾的 不明應用程式~!!剷左會吾會有咩後遺症呢?1

回答 (1)

2007-03-05 3:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you have not manually extracted files into that folder yourself ,then YES you can delete the files.

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