simple plan + linkin park

2007-03-04 8:26 pm
simple plan呢排做緊咩?
有人話佢寫緊album D 歌,

linkin park新碟march幾時出?

回答 (1)

2007-03-05 9:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Since February 2006, simple plan has not undertaken any significant tours, but has been working on its third CD, with anticipated release in mid-2007. The working titles of three new songs in their anticipated new record are "Take My Hand", "Never Should've Let You Go," and "Forever." [3] In his Myspace blog, Bouvier describes a fourth new song ("Time to Say Goodbye") and admits to writer's block in the preparation of the third CD. As of February 2007, Bouvier and Comeau was still completing the writing, and the band had not yet gone into the studio to record.
參考: wiki

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