part-time higher diploma / associate degree / degree

2007-03-04 10:26 am
我已經25歲,全職工作,只能讀part-time programme

1) 想讀個關於語言或翻譯 (英文或其他外語都可) part-time degree,我知poly u 及 city u 都有相關degree,除這兩間大學之外仲有冇其他本地大學有offer呢?

2) 我學歷沒有達到其入學要求,但可經相關的associate degree / higher diploma的資格入學,請問有哪些院校有part-time 既語言或翻譯associate degree / higher diploma讀呢?

3) 除本地大學外,外國大學有冇offer相關既 part-time degree / higher diploma?


回答 (2)

2007-03-04 11:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實8間大專院校都應有關於語言或翻譯既part-time degree,不過可能地理位置問題,最多人揀既多數都係poly同city.

不過如果你讀過associate degree / higher diploma既course, gpa又幾好,都應該有機會,最好都係揀poly or city,要求比較低dd,可能未到入學要求都ok

外國大學都有offer相關既 part-time degree / higher diploma,可能比local u 多好多tim,不過水準未必有保證,而且我不太清楚那一間比較好。

建議:睇住自己既成績揀囉~如果好既可以試下local u 既part time course,係可以學到多d野既;如果唔係咁好,揀o u or 外國u可能比較好dd....
2007-03-04 7:43 pm

AH 30-105-00 (62)
Certificate in Language and Translation

Enquiry 查詢: 2975 5879
Fax 傳真: 2858 3404
Email 電郵: [email protected]

Course Start Date 開課日期: 27 Mar 2007


Good translation skills are no longer viewed as something that only translators need, but an essential attribute that will enhance an individual's career prospects. This programme recognises the need for better translation skills in Hong Kong. It has 3 parts:

Part 1: AH 30-105-00 Certificate in Language and Translation, 108 hours
Part 2: AH 30-106-00 Advanced Certificate in Translation Studies, 144 hours
Part 3: AH 30-107-00 Diploma in Translation Studies, 168 hours
The course covers:

Chinese Writing Skills

English Writing Skills

General Linguistics for Translators

Basic Skills in English - Chinese Translation

Basic Skills in Chinese - English Translation
Assessment is based on coursework and attendance.

Entry Requirements
Applicants should

have 5 passes in the HKCEE, with at least Grade D in both English (Syllabus B) and Chinese.

Room 201, Causeway Centre, Wanchai

Day(s) / Time
Tuesdays and Fridays, 6:40 - 9:40 pm starting 27 March 2007


Course Fee: $9,700
Application Fee: $150, non-refundable

Medium of Instruction
Cantonese / English

Information and Application
Detailed information and an application form are available:

in person, at any HKU SPACE Enrolment Centre.
by post, from Translation Section, 9/F, TT Tsui Building, HKU, Pokulam Road, HK. Please send a self-addressed envelope with a $1.40 stamp, specifying the name of this programme.

Closing Date for Application
2 March 2007
Bachelor of Language Studies (English)

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