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It is beyond the understanding of most beings existing in a 3-dimensional universe to fathom a type of travel requiring the use of the 4th. However, I suspect that when we pass to the spiritual world we may be able to travel as you describe.
Via the first method, known as trading time for distance, you might arrive in the next solar system today but in reality 100,000 years have passed and hopefully your destination still exists. The other side of the equation would translate to travel without motion,
in effect warping time while remaining still, one would move forward or backward in time at the same location.
It is, of course, unfortunate that a spirit has serious issues making choices and decisions and affecting changes requiring physical interaction, once again highlighting the frustrating ways in which our universe constantly balances us to compromise one end in order to attain the other.
In conclusion, a spirit can travel to and from at will, at least until the end of time, but can not take physical action from their dimension. Meanwhile, the physical beings can, but are limited in their travels to the 3 dimensions which encompass their existence.