why do i love another man while i love my husband too much i canot live without them both/?

2007-03-04 12:44 am

回答 (26)

2007-03-04 2:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
you are unloyal, dishonest, and a cheater. how can you do that to your husband if you "love" him "too" much?
2007-03-04 12:46 am
You're selfish and greedy.
2007-03-04 12:49 am
Ask your self if you are getting what you want from your husband... In my eyes if he was doing what was neccesary to keep this from happening it wouldnt have happened... Something is wrong in your marriage... and you need to figure that out... Either way do not cheat on your husband... if the new guy is the one you choose you need to break it off with hubby first....Either way you will lose one...
2016-03-16 3:51 pm
No, you're not right seeing another man behind your husband's back you idiot. How about, instead of being a cheating whore sleeping around with other guys, you sit down with your husband, explain how you feel and how your relationship is going, and tell him that you need a change. Then the two of you need to work something out. Obviously if you loved him once, you can do so again. No wonder the divorce rate is so high. As soon as something goes wrong you start wanting a divorce. Marriage isn't supposed to be a joy ride. How is your husband supposed to know what's wrong if you don't tell him anything and go see other guys half way around the world? You get not sympathy from me at all. People like you make me want to vomit.
2007-03-04 12:50 pm
you're just confused...give more attention to your husband ;>
2007-03-04 2:52 am
tell your husband and see what he does/says..make sure to call 911 first....
2007-03-04 1:20 am
I've been in your shoes. Here's what I did. I searched out confusion in God's Word and it says that He is not the God of confusion. To me, that meant that my confusion was from the enemy of my soul. So, I knew that my choice had to be for my husband. It didn't make it easier, but it was clear to me and the confusion dissolved. You must be feeling confused to have asked.

It takes a long time to let go of an affair partner, so don't waste time saying good-bye. Cut it off immediately. Some experts say that once you fall in love with someone outside of your marriage, you never really fall out of love with them. The reason is that you were in love with a fantasy. I have found that to be true. The fantasy ideal is hard to erase from the mind.

Trying to reason with the other man or carry out long explanations of why you are cutting it off doesn't work. Just stop it. (I hated reading that then - but it's what works best ~ I promise you.) Focus on your husband. Get some counseling. Read books about reconciliation. Gary Smalley is a wonderful writer of relationship books.

I stayed with my husband and it's better now than it was when the other man turned my head. You CAN live without the other man and you will be better for it.

May God light your way.
參考: www.dnaofrelationships.com - This is the official web site of Dr. Gary Smalley
2007-03-04 1:17 am
You're confused. Love would have brought you home last night....
It's not love. You are missing something in your marriage and you are trying to get it else where. If this other guy knows that you are married, he'll never forget what you did to your husband.
It's not Love what you are feeling........
2007-03-04 1:04 am
Grow up and stop being so SELFISH.........you can't have your cake and eat it to
2007-03-04 1:01 am
You probably don't love your husband but just stayin with him cos you think it will be bad of you to leave him.. in other words he is your comfort zone and being in a new relationship requires alot and who knows maybe you are confused about how you feel for this other guy and are afraid to go find out cos once you live there is no comming back.. I would say take your time and don't rush into anything.
2007-03-04 12:52 am
I agree with what "Kunkee" said.
2007-03-04 12:52 am
How can you think you love two man when you don't even love yourself?
2007-03-04 12:50 am
because you're completely self absorbed and the only person you really love is yourself. see a therapist the help you need won't be found on yahoo answers.
2007-03-04 12:49 am
If you ever love 2 men... it should be god, and your husband... dont ruin your family... cherish what you have... how would you feel if he put your relationship together at risk... it woudnt be pleasant... you are only infatuated with this other man, but you need to remeber who was there for you for years... all along... who truly loves you by way of showing.. not just telling...
2007-03-04 12:48 am
You don't realley need a answer to this question. You have a husband that you love and so there is no problem. Since you asked though the answer is you don't love the other guy but you have a lot of admiration for him
2007-03-04 12:48 am
Because one is your husband and one is your dadand it is only natural to love these two people.
2007-03-04 12:47 am
Yes, you can live without them both. How have you lived this long without them? Continue on in that manner. Quit f*cking around on your husband. If your not going to respect yourself at least respect your husband.
2007-03-04 12:47 am
its normal to be attracted to another man if your already have a husban...just dont let your marriage die because of it...
2007-03-04 12:47 am
You really dont love neither.
2007-03-04 12:46 am
you're in trouble
2007-03-04 12:46 am
Because you have some issues. You need to remind yourself why you love your husand and remember that you have a committment to him, not some other guy. Don't be a cheater and ruin your family.
2007-03-04 1:00 am
You don't know the meaning of the words love or marriage. Get over yourself.
2007-03-04 12:55 am
because you are selfish and think only of yourself and not how u will hurt the other 2 mens feelings . shame on you!
2007-03-04 12:47 am
Because you are confused. They probably both offer diferent things to you and you don't know which way to go. Take some time away from both of them - put yourself first and let time help figure things out for you.
2007-03-04 12:47 am
u better pick one
2007-03-04 12:46 am
variety is the spice of life

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