Can Windows Vista run on Mac machine?

2007-03-04 6:25 am
As far as I know,Boot Camp enables Windows Vista to be run on Mac machine,so how about Windows Vista?If it can,how to achieve this?

Please give some comments about Mac machine if you are Mac users. I prefer to know about the Mac with Intel CPU.
(Both English and Chinese are accepted)

Finally,please suggest some good websites which I can find out more information about Mac.

Great thanks

回答 (2)

2007-03-07 5:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Vista does run on Intel Mac. This can be done via both Boot Camp and Parallels.

See the article from MacWorld.

and the Parallels website

A good place to get freeware program for Mac is

Good Information of Mac could be found at (Hong Kong based Mac website) (Mac news from Taiwan) (My Mac links)
參考: me
2007-03-04 6:35 am
之前有人試過用boot camp裝Windows Vista RC3,可以run得到,但零售版Vista就不知道。

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