
2007-03-04 5:28 am

A圖:walk/in the street/rain B圖:run into/fast food shop/seek shelter

C圖:lady/a $500 note drop D圖:自己作

回答 (2)

2007-03-04 6:21 am
✔ 最佳答案

2007-03-03 22:24:11 補充:
不過看圖說故事最重要係明白圖想講乜野仲有既就係要有創意..慢慢諗清楚點樣寫先寫到有創意既文出黎跟住就寫個plan..列D plot line出黎..寫好故事結構...再用D連接詞串連埋就ok ..
2007-03-04 10:05 am
Is there any picture in picture D? If no, I would make up some thing like:

Then I picked up the $500 note and gave her back. She appreciated me and bought me a meal.

Then the whole story can be:

One day, I walked in the street. It was rainning. Then I ran into a fast food shop to seek shelter. Suddenly, I saw a lady who dropped a $500 not on the ground. I picked it up and gave her back. She appreciated me and beought me a meal.
參考: Me

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